Custom Mining Dashboard
Mining Industry Leader

Revolutionising executive insights with a custom build dashboard.

JustSolve was tasked with the development of an executive dashboard, designed specifically for platinum mining executives. This dashboard was to offer a comprehensive visualisation of the organisation's entire value stream.

The Objectives.

Streamlined visualisation.

Objective: To develop an executive dashboard that provides mining executives with a clear and comprehensive visualisation of the organisation's entire value stream.

Data integration.

Objective: To integrate and synchronise data from various sources and departments within the organisation to ensure that the dashboard reflects real-time, accurate, and up-to-date information.

Usability and adoption.

Objective: To integrate and synchronise data from various sources and departments within the organisation to ensure that the executive dashboard reflects real-time, accurate, and up-to-date information.

The Outcomes.

Accelerated insights​.

The implementation of a comprehensive dashboard solution enables real-time data access, streamlining the reporting process and providing actionable insights for informed decision-making.

Centralised data management.

Centralising data into a consolidated warehouse fosters data integrity and offers a singular source of truth for mine executives and managers, significantly reducing time spent searching for information.

Efficient development.

With the use of OutSystems as the front-end platform the project was completed in just 13 months, a substantial improvement over the initial 3-year timeline.

Approach and Product Type
Low-Code, Web App
13 months, 2022

The Solution.

Our Services and Approach.

Web Development
Systems Integration
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The right tools for the job.

An Award-Winning Product.

This solution has received the following prestigious awards.

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